National Holistic Therapy Day in Jersey City
Celebrating National Holistic Therapy Day in Jersey City Holistic Therapy Day, celebrated annually on July 26, honors the approach that treats the human body as a unified entity, embracing the connection between the mind, body, and soul. By incorporating practices like meditation, mindfulness, yoga,
Your Guide to Adult Leagues in Jersey City
Your Guide to Adult Leagues in Jersey City Do you miss playing a team sport? The camaraderie, the encouragement from your teammates, and the exhilaration of achieving victory together? Or you may want to get out more, start something new, and meet new people.
Ten Historic Sites in Jersey City
Ten Historic Sites in Jersey City Jersey City is filled with vibrant culture from local businesses, nonprofit organizations, food, and most importantly, its people. This city we call home also has an incredible history you can explore by visiting historical sites. So, get ready
Live Music and Entertainment in Jersey City
Live Music and Entertainment in Jersey City We’re lucky to live in a city filled with many live music performances taking all over! The various venues offer something for everyone to enjoy, from jazz and rock to world music. So, if you’re looking to
Take a Mural Tour of Jersey City
Take a Mural Tour of Jersey City If you live in Jersey City, chances are you have a favorite neighborhood mural or two or three… New murals pop up like apartment buildings around here, but how many of the stories do you really know behind
Outdoor Activities in Jersey City
Your Guide to Outdoor Activities in Jersey City As the weather warms up, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! Jersey City offers a variety of outdoor activities, from parks and picnics to kayaking. So, whether you’re looking for a fun family outing
Affordable Date Night Ideas in Jersey City
Affordable Date Night Ideas in JC Looking for an affordable and unique date out in Jersey City? We’ve compiled a list of fun ideas to help you get out and get to know your date without breaking the bank. Browse Books & Bond Whether it’s
Jersey City’s Marathon Recap
Jersey City’s Marathon Recap The Jersey City Road Runners (JCRR), in partnership with the City of Jersey City and CompuScore, successfully put together its inaugural Jersey City Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, April 23rd. Many runners, both residents and outside of Jersey City, had
Jersey City Thrifting 101
Your Guide to Thrift & Vintage Shops in Jersey City Thrift shops are often overlooked when one is looking to shop. Along with finding unique and vintage items and saving money, you can feel good about doing your part and shopping sustainably. In addition, thrift
Greener JC to Host Community Solar Public Meeting April 19!
Do you want to support clean local renewable energy? Are you interested in saving money on your utility bills? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, join Greener JC Wednesday April 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM via ZOOM for a virtual Community