Great Resources for Jersey City Senior Citizens
It was 1988, when, through Proclamation 5847, President Ronald Reagan deemed today, August 21st, as National Senior Citizens Day. This day holds even more validity 30+ years later as older people are living longer, healthier and more productive lives than ever before. In honor of #NationalSeniorCitizensDay, we want to share some of the wonderful ways you can support Jersey City’s senior citizens and the great resources they can enjoy, even in these hard times.
For Seniors
Senior Affairs Virtual Classes
The Jersey City Division of Senior Affairs is committed to bringing their usual live fitness classes to those at home. After all, staying active is an important part of our well being. Check out each of the instructor’s schedules and the links to join each class below.
Services & Helplines
Nursing home neglect may not be as violent as abuse, but it is just as dangerous. Neglect occurs when residents are not properly cared for, resulting in physical harm, illness, or even death. Fortunately, there are ways to help older Americans if you believe they are suffering from neglect in a nursing home. If you or someone you know are suffering from nursing home neglect or if you suspect nursing home neglect visit the Nursing Home Abuse Justice website to report your case and get in touch with resources to combat the problem.
Farmers Market Vouchers
With all of the Farmers’ markets back in action for the season, it’s important that fresh produce is accessible to all. The Division of Senior Affairs is providing eligible seniors with $30 vouchers to be used at any Farmers Market to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables. Apply here.
NJCU Tuition Waiver for 65+
Many New Jersey colleges and universities offer older state residents the opportunity to audit classes for free, which is a great opportunity to pick up job skills or pursue a passion at no cost! Those who are 65 years or older and residents of New Jersey may take courses at NJCU with a tuition waiver on a space available basis by obtaining a letter of introduction to the course instructor from the Registrar’s Office. Senior citizens using a tuition waiver cannot enroll until the third day of the Fall/Spring semester and second day of the Winter/Summer sessions. (Doctoral programs are excluded)
Volunteer Opportunities
“Card Bank” Program
Ward E Councilman, James Solomon, started the “Card Bank” where Jersey City residents can let our seniors know that the whole community cares for them during a time when they may feel very isolated. Volunteers just fill out the form with their name, email, and the number of cards they want to write. They’ll then be given the names and addresses of seniors obtained via public-record voter registration listings at the Hudson County Clerk’s office.
(1/2) Senior Cards Update: 200 JC residents signed up to send over 1,000 cards. Amazing response JC!
We need 200 more to send to all downtown seniors…and then expand citywide!
Sign-up here:
— James Solomon (@SolomonforJC) March 31, 2020
“Isolation can be depressing and deflating, especially for folks at greater risk and the real perversity of the virus is that it targets the most vulnerable people of society,” Solomon said. “That group may feel afraid even to go outside, afraid for people to visit you, and this helps make sure that those who might be going through an extremely tough time don’t feel like they are doing it alone.”
People can sign up online at here.
AngelaCares Food Pantry
Assemblywoman Angela McKnight launched her Food Pantry campaign through her nonprofit, AngelaCARES, on March 13, and within hours exceeded her initial goal. Since then, she’s been purchasing, packing, and delivering groceries for Jersey City senior citizens with the help of amazing volunteers.
“In order to truly flatten the curve on COVID-19, we must encourage our seniors to stay in where it is safe,” McKnight said. “We continue to shop for them and raise money to make sure they have adequate food and supplies during this time so that they don’t have to come out and jeopardize their health.”
You can check out their instagram page for days/times to volunteer. No sign-up or information required!
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If you know of any other resources or volunteer opportunities for Jersey City’s senior citizens, comment below!