Virtual Easter Services in Jersey City
If there’s one thing JC’s got, it’s flavor. And heart—okay so that makes two. For better than two decades, I’ve reaped many a benefit when both flow in glorious dimensions to yield food, music, art, festivals, theater and so much more. So, current guidelines notwithstanding, it’s a sure bet that anyone looking will find the same measure of options, if not greater, for observing this year’s version of Easter festivities.
Rooted in the biblical account of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, Easter is a celebration observed by millions worldwide. On this continent, it is also heralded as the advent of spring and many things colorful. Easter is the culmination of Holy Week, recognized by Christians as beginning with Palm Sunday, the time of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, and continuing to Good Friday, the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. The term Good Friday references Christian belief that the death of Jesus Christ is salvation for all; Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, celebrates Christ’s return.

In this time when celebrations are typically communal, ranging from prayer services to elaborate meals to egg hunts, innovation is a must. Though spring couture may be on hold, there are still many opportunities for the faithful to gather in worship.
Live Stream Easter Services – Sunday April 12
The Church of St. Paul and Incarnation
Christ Church Jersey City
Cityline Church
9:20 a.m. en Español, 11 a.m. in English
Downtown Community Church
Holy Rosary Parish
Hope Center Tabernacle
8:45 a.m. en Español, 10:15 a.m. English on YouTube
Hope Church Jersey City
The Hub Church
10:30 a.m. on Facebook and Youtube
Iglesia 441
First Wesleyan Church
Mt. Pisgah AME Church
10 a.m. on YouTube
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish
11 a.m. English, 1 p.m. en Español
Our Lady of Victories Church
Purpose Church NJ
Redeemer Jersey City
10:30 a.m. on YouTube
Riverside Church
St. Aeden’s Saint Peter’s University Church
Saint Aloysius Parish
9 a.m. en Español, 1 p.m. English
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
Saturday Vigil 7:30 p.m. via Zoom
St. Nicholas Parish
10:30 a.m. English, 1:15 p.m. en Español
St. Paul the Apostle Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Tapestry Church
The Church of St. Paul & Incarnation
Trinity Baptist Church
World Outreach Christian Church
Vroom Street Church
Is your house of worship having virtual Easter services? To add your online service please email to have your house of worship and virtual service added to the list above!