Jennifer Belcher
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Tips for Online Safety and Screen Time
Tips for Online Safety and Screen Time The reality of school, work, and homelife has changed drastically in the last month. While once separate entities...

List of Women-Owned Jersey City Businesses
List of Women-Owned Jersey City Businesses This month we’ve highlighted some incredible business owning “Boss Women” from all over Jersey City. To culminate this special...

Boss Women of Jersey City: Shimkiri of Jersey City Ballroom
Boss Women of Jersey City: Shimkiri of Jersey City Ballroom Fierce. Strong. Savvy. Talented. These are all words that easily describe Shimkiri Sawian-Figar, professional...

Body Transformation by Jersey City Boss Women
Body Transformation by Jersey City Boss Women It was a typical late October day as I stood in the dressing room of Victoria’s Secret....

Boss Women of Jersey City: Sara Shah of Journ Beauty
Boss Women of Jersey City: Sara Shah of Journ Beauty If you’ve ever met Sara Shah in person, it would be hard for you...

Boss Women of Jersey City: Ruth Salas of Luna de Papel
Boss Women of Jersey City: Ruth Salas of Luna de Papel For many Jersey City residents and families, “Luna de Papel” has become a...

Learn to Dance in Jersey City
Learn to Dance in Jersey City “The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music. Bodies never lie.” -Agnes...

Checking in with Jersey City’s Dylan Chidick
Checking in with Jersey City’s Dylan Chidick Every once in awhile, we encounter human beings who are so charismatic, inspiring and profound that within minutes,...

JC “Make it Local” Small Business Saturday Guide
JC “Make it Local” Small Business Saturday Guide Tick, tock! The holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is here and with that comes the push...

Fall Things to Do in New Jersey
Fall Things to Do in New Jersey We all know this time of year. The Jack-O-Lanterns have been removed, Halloween candy has been stored up...