Listen & Move Fundamentals is a kids workshop that teaches kids the connection between music and movement.
Based on the format of our adult sessions, we’ll explore the creative outlets in the house music and other electronic music cultures including DJing, dance and fitness. Our kids sessions add a bit of structure to the experience as a way to educate the group on the value of the culture, music and art.We will connect through stretching and breath awareness and experience a dance/dj workshop followed by an open session where kids are urged to explore their creativity and individuality. At the end of the workshop kids will participate in a group Q & A dance session , where they’ll get a chance to perform their own freestyle dance demo.
December 17th – 9-11am
January 14th – 9-11am
January 21st – 9-11amGrassroots Community Space – 54 Coles St. JC, NJ
Free for Jersey City Residents!
Supported by public funds from the Jersey City Art + Culture Trust Fund.
Go to to register and for more info.