Presented by Round-Trip Comedy, some of the country’s best comedians will be performing virtually via Zoom. All proceeds will go to Fox & Crow in Jersey City.
Brian Grossi (Amazon Prime Video)
Ibrahim Kalif (Boston Comedy Festival)
Amanda Gail
Phil Hunt (The Apollo)
Regina DeCicco ( The View)
Link will be sent out 1 hour before show time. Link will open at 7:45 and show starts right at 8. You don’t wanna miss this one!
Fox and Crow opened its doors in 2014 Providing a much needed neighborhood pub in the Jersey City Heights community. In 2015, Fox and Crow opened the “Parlor Room” an intimate space for musicians and artists to perform. Teaming with local music curator Margo Parks, over the next five years Fox and Crow and Ms. Parks produced well over 500 live musical and artistic performances in the parlor room. Since March 2020 there have been no live performances at the Fox and Crow, the restaurant has stayed opened and served the neighborhood with deliveries and outdoor seating. We hope in the very near future to be able to resume our live music and performances. Until then we hope all family and friends or staying safe and healthy.
For more information and to register for this event, visit the Eventbrite listing here.