Join Salons for Life for the fourth salon of the In Nature and In Nurture series, “Find Your Feet: Power from the Ground Up,” with Kate Szekely – actor, producer, teacher and Co-Founder of Salons for Life.
Modern life happens most frequently from the shoulders-up. In this virtual somatic salon, Kate will draw from her theater training and mind-body practices to lead salon participants on a physical journey of self exploration and expression. Combining a physical theatre technique, called Laban, with alignment-based mindfulness, salon participants can expect 90 minutes of letting the body lead the mind, playing with how weight, time, direction and space not only change how you move, but how you think.
This salon is excellent for those who want to cultivate present moment awareness within their work and lives — no prior experience with theatre or mindfulness necessary! All that’s needed is some comfy clothes, a little bit of space to move, something to write or record with, and a sense of play and adventure!
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