Open Line Workshop Presentation | Thursday, April 22 at 8:00pm EST
Conceived & performed by Max Reuben
Featuring artist Sally ChenCLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS
Pay-what-you-can tickets $5-$15; all ticket prices receive the same experience.
Hi, there. How are you? Things have been kind of rough lately, huh? Well, why don’t you take a seat. Open Line is an experiment in long-distance intimacy and radical honesty. A tiny, temporary balm for the realities we’ve all faced over the past year.
Open Line is an interactive performance, and there will be times when audience members will be asked to engage more actively in the experience. While some level of participation by some members of the audience is essential for the success of the piece, this will always be voluntary on your part. Open Line is best experienced over a desktop, laptop, or large tablet.
In-progress performance of work developed through a virtual Art House Productions residency in Spring 2021.To request closed captions or ASL interpreters, please email at least 72 hours before the event.
Zoom can be accessed online via a computer or mobile device, you just need Wifi. To download Zoom and create a free account on a desktop or laptop, go to and follow the onsite instructions. To download on a smartphone/mobile device, please download the Zoom app from the AppStore and follow the setup instructions. Make sure you’ve updated to the most recent version. (You can check your version by following these steps.)Photos