Get ready for the annual Run for Liberty 5K benefiting The Friends of Liberty State Park.
The Run for Liberty is a 5K in support of The Friends of Liberty State Park (FOLSP), which is an all-volunteer non-profit 501(c) (3) grassroots stewardship organization founded in 1988. FOLSP is dedicated to supporting Liberty State Park; an inspiring recreational open space, natural and historic public resource behind Lady Liberty and Ellis Island. So please join us on November 5th! Runners, walkers, and spectators welcome!
While this run/walk is not officially timed there will be a clock at the finish, recovery zone with snacks & water, professional photos, and all runners will get an official race shirt.
What we are supporting
Our mission is to preserve, protect, conserve and promote Liberty State Park. All proceeds from this race will go towards protecting & improving Liberty State Park!
The essence of LSP history is that caring people have put democracy into action to advocate for a free urban park behind Lady Liberty. The LSP Protection Act, with 33,000 petition signers and 111 groups in a Coalition, was stalled, stopped and replaced by a fast-tracked bill written by the lobbyist for billionaire Paul Fireman, whose goal is to privatize and destroy LSP’s Caven Point Natural Area to relocate a golf holes for his exclusive Liberty National Golf Course. The current battle is to pass the narrowly focused “LSP Caven Point protection bill” Senate bill S2956. Please follow us on social media and check to support this essential bill to protect this priceless “Migratory Bird Habitat and Nesting Area” on the “Atlantic Flyway”, science education resource and peaceful urban oasis.
The Course
Starts and finishes at the south end of the Liberty State Park waterfront. Runners will enjoy inspiring vistas of Lady Liberty, Ellis Island, the Manhattan skyline, and New York harbor!