TADA! Youth Theater invites children to a fun, active musical theater Open House sample class on June 25 to preview TADA! Summer Camps. Young people will explore the essential skills of singing, dancing and acting to allow their imaginations to soar! Students will enjoy a sample class led by professional NYC Teaching Artists to preview the fun of participating in TADA! Summer Camp. TADA’s Director of Education will facilitate a Q&A.
Registration required for children to attend at $25 per student. If you register for Summer Camp following Open House, the fee plus the discount will be applied to your camp registration. Financial assistance is available and no child will be turned away because of their inability to pay.
TADA! Youth Theater presents in-person week-long musical theater summer camps where children create and perform a brand-new musical every week, all summer long! Summer camps take place from July 11th through August 26th for children, ages 5-11, Monday through Friday, 10AM – 5PM, at TADA! Youth Theater, 15 West 28th Street in Manhattan.
TADA! no longer requires proof of vaccination for students or adults to enter the building, and masks are optional.