Presented in partnership with Hudson County Community College and Seton Hall University.According to the Art+Feminism website, the non-profit organization “directly addresses the inequality of gender, feminism, and the arts on Wikipedia.” This is accomplished through a coordinated campaign of online training materials and volunteer-organized “edit-a-thons” at a variety of cultural and intellectual institutions across the globe.
In this lecture by Brooke Duffy and Jeanne Brasile, we provide a very brief overview of the ways in which women and gender diverse artists have traditionally been and continue to be excluded from the art historical canon and global art markets. We share background information about the Art+Feminism organization and objectives of their wiki-thonsThe lecture culminates with a hands-on activity in which participants can engage with, critically read, and converse about artist Wikipedia pages.To request closed captions or ASL interpreters, please email at least 72 hours before the event.On April 7 from 10:00am-1:00pm EST, the Walsh Library and the Walsh Gallery will host Seton Hall’s second Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon. All are invited to register to become “Wikipedians” and edit or create a Wikipedia page for an artist. To register for the edit-a-thon, click here.Photos